Harness the Power of Web 3.0 with Move

Published at March 20, 2023 By Starcoin.


Web3.0 is a new phase of the Internet in which data ownership is completely handed over to users. This ideology of empowering the users was borne out of contention with the lack of transparency and arbitrariness which are common with centralized structures and older phases of the internet.

Based on shared principles of decentralization, blockchain technology has grown to play an important role in the process of realizing Web3.0. However, achieving excellent security is a major problem that plagues this process. The reason for this is because security is the basic guarantee which all web3.0 platforms should give, as the industry hopes to contend favorably as the solution to centralized systems. The fact that we have seen recurring incidents of asset theft in the digital asset space implies that it is most important to explore ways of improving the security of smart contracts — the custodians of transparent and secure documentation of blockchain transactions.

The origin of Move

Move is a statically typed programming language for digital assets. It is a smart contract language developed by the Facebook team specifically for Libra, released in 2019. The main goal of Move is to manage the state of digital assets, and it is specially designed to solve this problem.

By introducing a resource-oriented programming paradigm, Move significantly reduces the threshold for Dapp development while enhancing security. It has features such as precise access control, static type, generics, module system, and formal verification, which make the smart contract language more suitable for its asset-oriented scenarios, and guarantee the security of digital assets from the level of smart contract language. Starcoin, the world’s first finished public chain developed using Move language.The security of the Move smart contract has been greatly developed on Starcoin.

Solidity & Move

Most of the decentralized applications currently on the market have their smart contracts written in Solidity.

As one of the earliest smart contract languages, Solidity has a first-mover advantage, as well as very good flexibility at the language level. After years of development, the ecology of Solidity is relatively rich.

With the in-depth development of DeFi, some limitations of Solidity have also been highlighted, resulting in many security holes, such as the default visibility of functions as public. The Solidity community is also working hard to make up for these language design flaws. For example, in the early days of Solidity arithmetic operations, overflows would not report errors, requiring developers to handle them in the code themselves, leading to some serious security vulnerabilities. Subsequently, Solidity has been specially enhanced for the overflow situation, and the overflow will report an error. This is a good change, but some basic security risks are difficult to eliminate through later upgrades, such as security problems caused by dynamic calls.

Judging from the current status of the industry, most blockchain applications are closely integrated with financial scenarios. Therefore, it may be more effective to design a special language combining the characteristics of smart contracts and financial scenarios.

Move is a smart contract language specially designed for smart contracts and financial scenarios. Move has several important features:

  • Secure resource types to ensure the security of digital assets on the chain
  • Pure static language avoids non-determinism
  • Generic programming to ensure the flexibility of the language
  • Formal proof, using mathematical means to prove the security of smart contracts

Most of the common security problems other than business model vulnerabilities are caused by low-level coding mistakes or ignoring language features, such as infinite issuance vulnerabilities, the famous The DAO attack, etc. Move can largely avoid these common security vulnerabilities, making contracts stronger, making DeFi safer, and giving users a reassuring experience.

Web3.0 & Move

In the field of Web3.0, it is mentioned that Move generally includes three levels of meaning:

  • Move language. Move is a smart contract language specially designed for digital assets. It provides safe protection for digital assets and is advanced in programming models;
  • Move VM: Move VM (Move Virtual Machine) is the operating environment of Move, which provides security checks during runtime and provides enhanced protection for digital assets;
  • Move application ecology: The Move ecosystem refers to smart contracts and Web3 applications developed using the Move language. These can run on multiple chains after simple adaptation, and can fully enjoy the power of the Move language and the protection of the Move VM.

As Web3.0 continues to evolve, highlighting core functionalities of blockchain technology to its own development, it is important to create tools which support this shift in era of the internet. Move programming language offers security for digital assets and limits the vulnerabilities of smart contracts, making web3.0 a safer venture for all users.

That’s why Starcoin has adopted Move as its smart contract language. As the only Proof Of Work blockchain that enables secure smart contracts based on Move to power services in Web3. On Starcoin, security is paramount, just like the brand slogan “EMPOWERED BY SECURITY FROM THE ORIGIN”.We prioritize it in our development process and take uncompromising measures to ensure that your funds and data remain secure.